Plasma Or LCD TV - Which Format Works Best For Your Living Space?

They may be both large flat screen televisions that offer superb picture quality. But the differences are still noteworthy because it makes one stand out from the other. In the battle of flat screen TVs, who comes out as the victor? Let us review Plasma and LCD TV's similarities and differences.

What do Plasma televisions and LCD TV sets have in common?

Essentially, both are better choices than the good old cathode ray tube, or the traditional bulky television. Aside from the unit size and the screen size, the picture quality is better with the Plasma or the LCD TV. Definitely, the two have superior technologies over the one that we used to have. Since Plasma and LCD TVs use the flat screen technology, viewing becomes more enjoyable because of the clearer and crisper, vivid, and almost lifelike images. The rounded screens of CRT TVs do not present such.

Moreover, reviews of CRT televisions claim that this kind of technology is harmful to one's health. CRT technology emits radiation that sets danger to one's health. The new TV technology, the one used for Plasma and LCD TV sets, do not emit radiation.

Along with this new technology is the introduction of High Definition or HD format. Both Plasma and LCD TVs are HD ready. They can both display the standard and high-definition TV format.

And although Plasma and LCD TVs are more expensive than the traditional CRT, their prices are now made affordable. There are Samsung LCD TVs that are priced reasonably. Some Plasma TV manufacturers give price-cut deals as well. Buying either one would never cause great damage to your wallet. Just think about the kind of entertainment it could give you and you'll see that affording one is not really a bad choice.

These are the similarities of Plasma and LCD TVs. They make both technologies the best among the television formats. And of course these similarities make both LCD and Plasma televisions compete with each other. In modern science, no two things should be as great as the other. Only one should come out as the winner.

So what sets these two technologies apart?

Their differences define which is better than the other. These differences arise mainly from how each technology produces high quality pictures. LCD TVs are commonly made from two panels made of liquid crystal. One crystal panel act in response to and against the other, thus allowing the panels to create images. Plasma televisions use plasma, which is a common gaseous substance, enclosed in confined glass cells. Each glass cell contains the red, blue, and green phosphors. When these cells are affected by electric energy, the red, blue, and green phosphors respond correspondingly thus producing images.

There were former issues related to size differences but recent models slowly wiped out the concern. Before, LCD TVs are made to be compact and not as large as Plasma screens. When LCD TV manufacturers noticed this issue, they remodeled their technology and made larger LCD TV screens too. At present, Plasma and LCD TVs have somehow similar size choices.

Similarly, contrast setting has been an issue before. Questions about how dark is black and how light is white arose. Some experts claim that Plasma televisions have better contrast ratio settings making LCD TVs only second-best. However, LCD TV manufacturers found a way to resolve the issue to make their LCD technology at the same level, if not better.

Then again, Plasma television manufacturers try to come up with resolutions for Plasma TV's burn-in problems. Since the LCD TV counterpart do not experience such issues, the technology earns a point in this category. But let us wait until Plasma TV manufacturers fully resolve this issue and we'll see that Plasma and LCD technology are again competing persistently.

And now because of the kind of technology LCD TV has, it consumes less power. This makes the LCD TV suitable for the budget conscious. It allows the consumer to save on electric bills of the low power consumption. It also has longer lifespan than the Plasma TV. It can work efficiently and properly up to more than 60,000 hours while Plasma technology can work only from 20,000 to 40,000 life hours.

Now that you are aware of the similarities and differences of both technologies, you can now tell which kind suits your type of home entertainment. Since both are advanced technology, either is a good choice for your home theater system. Now the decision is yours, which format works best for your living space?

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