Thinking About a Mini Notebook PC? The Archos 605 is a Good Alternative

I wouldn't even be writing this if my daughter's mp3 player hadn't gone belly up. She had a cheap no-name mp3 player that I got for her a couple of years ago to take on a band trip and it finally quit (although it lasted much longer than I expected.) Anyway, you know kids. "Dad! It's broken. I need another one. RIGHT NOW!" Fortunately, Christmas was coming so it bought me a little time.

My son, the techie in the family, said that he would have liked to have gotten the Archos 605 media player when he needed a new mp3 player but they were really expensive. Even so, upon his recommendation, I did a search. And what to my wondering eyes did appear but a price tag of $139! I'm thinking to myself "That's still kind of expensive. What's so special about it?"

Well, for starters, the Archos 605 has high quality screen resolution, high quality video capability, a touch screen and WIFI for streaming content to a TV or the unit itself. But the beauty of this little baby lies in the many plug-ins and accessories that are available. You can download content directly to your Archos 605 wirelessly through WiFi using the Archos 605 Content Portal and their partners' online stores. You can also stream TV shows, music and movies stored on your home PC. And for those of you considering a mini notebook PC, the Archos 605 can even surf the Internet with the optional web browser plug-in. Or do you need a DVR? With the optional dock, this little beauty will allow you to record shows directly from your TV.

Doesn't that pretty much sum up everything that a mini notebook PC does (and a little more)? Couple with all of that a 30 gigabyte memory and you have a bonafide mini notebook PC alternative, don't you? To make a long story short, my daughter is now the proud owner of of an Archos 605 media player and it works like a charm.

Find out more about mini notebook PCs as well as mini notebook PC alternatives such as the Archos 605 media player at

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